FIREWORKS Small Vase Former Slumping Mold Fusing Kiln Stainless Steel
This mold is a must have for any fuser’s studio. A prefused round is placed over the mold and it will slump to a beautiful one-of-a-kind vase. Always use kiln wash!
The three most widely used materials for molds are ceramic, fiber and stainless steel. These stainless steel forms will last forever where ceramic and fiber will crack with time. These have specially coated surfaces to make the kiln wash stick for easy removal of your finished masterpiece.
Approximately 4 1/2 inches tall. 3 1/4 inches across the bottom. 2 1/4 inches across the top.
IMPORTANT: You are purchasing one stainless steel mold. I’m providing this project idea as a courtesy. The products shown are not included.
To Make The Project Pictured~ An Olive Oil Lamp (click this link)
1. Using MR-97, coat your mold in long even strokes. 2-3 light coats are recommended. Set the mold aside.
2. Cut two 6×6″ sheets of compatible glass. Clean them well. (Adjust the glass size as desired. You can use up to an 8″ sheet (square or round) on the smaller mold. You can use a larger sheet if you want the tops to “puddle”.
3. Put a sheet of ThinFire Paper on your kiln shelf. Place the glass on the kiln shelf. Measure the tips to make sure your glass is centered.
4. Use a bubble squeeze program to bring these two pieces to a full fuse.
5. Clean and dry your slab.
6. Place another sheet of Thinfire on your kiln shelf (just in case). Center the slab on the prepared mold. I place the slab on a table, put the mold on it, measure to make sure that it’s centered and then flip it over.
7. Contour fuse to desired drape. (I did a 20 minute soak on this one.)
8. Clean your piece.
9. Place a waxed wick on a wick tab in the center of your vase. Fill with about one inch of olive oil (or candle wax). Light and enjoy! (Please use due caution!!)